Our Facilities
Spacious - Comfortable - Safe
Olympia 1 ESF – is located in the north end of Olympia, Washington on the bus line. It opened in February 2021. The facility has 15 single rooms on separate floors connected by an elevator, all with individual climate control. Each room has its own TV with basic cable, a bed, chair, laundry basket, garbage can and shelving. Internet is available throughout the building. There is a dining room capable of seating 15 people with mealtimes spread over an hour to allow for social distancing. The TV / Game room has individual seating and a 55-inch TV with available X-Box. The 2nd floor lounge has individual seating and a 45-inch TV. The family room is equipped with a resident telephone available 24-hours a day. This room is also available for private visits, virtual meetings, and small gatherings. The grounds are nicely manicured with exterior gates and a resident smoking area. A basketball hoop is located on the grounds to encourage outside physical activity.
Olympia 2 RTF – Newly constructed 15-bed Residential Treatment Facility which opened in December 2022. The facility has 15 single rooms on separate floors connected by an elevator, all with individual climate control. Each room will have its own TV with basic cable, a bed, chair, laundry basket, garbage can and shelving. Internet will be available throughout the building. The facility will sport a beautifully designed commercial kitchen with an adjacent dining room capable of serving 20 people. The second-floor lounge, TV / game room with individual seating and a 65-inch TV with available Play Station 5. The dining room can also substitute for a large training or group room. There is a 45-inch TV available for large gatherings, training sessions and sports events. There are also two group rooms in the facility, one large with a 55-inch TV which can accommodate up to 12 people, and a small one for individual or group treatment sessions. The visiting room is equipped with a resident telephone available 24-hours a day. The room will also accommodate private visits, virtual meetings, and small gatherings. The grounds are nicely manicured with exterior gates and a resident smoking area. A basketball hoop is located on the grounds to encourage outside physical activity.
Tacoma Residential Treatment Facility - Renovation of this 16-bed Residential Treatment Facility providing Intensive Behavioral Health Treatment Services began in May 2022. The facility is located in the heart of Tacoma, Washington on the metro bus line.
This facility will sport the same features of the Olympia facility including single rooms, onsite laundry, commercial kitchen, and a service package similar to the Olympia facility. Watch for more information on this exciting project.